Letter from the Editorial Board

Kenneth M. Madden, Colleen Maxwell, Mark Rapoport

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5770/cgj.20.278

In our current issue, Hogan et al.(1) present a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge surrounding frailty in the acute care setting. In a similar acute care setting, Marcel Emond et al.(2) present a retrospective examination of the prevalence of emergency department-induced delirium.

McGuire et al.(3) provide us with a retrospective exploration of both the characteristics and incidence of traumatic brain injury in older adults using homecare services in the province of Ontario. Boscart et al.(4) examine the conceptual framework behind the Living Classroom, a collaboration between a nursing home group and a community college where students, college faculty, care teams, residents, and families engage in a culture of learning. We are also pleased to present the abstracts from the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry, held recently in Quebec City.(5)



1 Hogan DB, Maxwell CJ, Afilalo J, et al. A scoping review of frailty and acute care in middle-aged and older individuals with recommendations for future research. CGJ. 2017;20(1):22–37.

2 Émond M, Grenier D, Morin J, et al. Emergency department stay associated delirium in older patients. CGJ. 2017;20(1):10–14.

3 McGuire C, Kristman VL, Martin L, et al. Characteristics and incidence of traumatic brain injury in older adults using home care in Ontario from 2003–2013. CGJ. 2017;20(1):2–9.

4 Boscart VM, d’Avernas J, Brown P, et al. Changing the impact of nursing assistants’ education in seniors’ care: the living classroom in long-term care. CGJ. 2017;20(1):15–21.

5 Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts. CGJ. 2017;20(1):38–64.

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Canadian Geriatrics Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, March 2017