Letter From the Editor

Ken Madden , Editor-in-Chief
Canadian Geriatrics Journal.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5770/cgj.15.46

Our second issue of 2012 contains a number of review papers from high-profile Canadian geriatricians, addressing current controversies in geriatrics such as issues of manpower shortages, increasing frailty, and applying evidence-based medicine to geriatric psychiatry. Dr. Patterson examines the choices facing geriatrics today in the face of both decreasing numbers of geriatricians and increasing numbers of patients. Dr. Rockwood addresses the growing problem of frailty, and provides us with a summary of a consensus conference on frailty held in Athens in January 2012. Dr. Rapoport summarizes the latest contradictory evidence in the geriatric psychiatry literature, and how to appropriately apply this evidence without falling prey to what he sees as a creeping nihilism towards older adult patients.

In addition to these worthy contributions, this issue also provides an insight into the latest geriatrics research occurring in Canada, with a listing of all of the abstracts presented at our meeting of the Canadian Geriatrics Society held recently in Quebec City.

Have a wonderful summer!

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Canadian Geriatrics Journal , Vol. 15 , No. 2 , June 2012