Thank You to Our Reviewers in 2022

The Editors of the Canadian Geriatrics Journal (CGJ) would like to publicly acknowledge and thank the peer reviewers listed below who have reviewed manuscripts for the Journal in 2022.

These experts volunteer their valuable time and expertise to provide thoughtful comments and insightful guidance to our authors and without their efforts, the quality of the Journal could not be sustained. We express our appreciation and gratitude to all reviewers for their important contribution to the articles published in the CGJ.

Akter, Ripa

Algrecht, Jennifer

Anderson, Sharon

Arnulfo, Romos-Jimenez

Borson, Soo

Cao Dinh, Hung

Charles, Lesley

Chilibeck, Phil

Cichowicz, Ivan

Cohen, Carole

Compton, Roslyn

Eum, Lucy

Gill, Sundeep

Hall, Steven

Hirst, Sandra

Hogan, David Bryan

Hosseini, Farshad

Huang, Allen R

Katz, Paul

Lague, Antoine

Mah, Jasmine

Mallet, Louise

Maxwell, Colleen J.

McArthur, Caitlin

Meneilly, Graydon

Moran, Martin

Osman, Abdelhady

Parmar, Jasneet

Petrovic, Mirko

Rockwood, Kenneth

Sawanyawisuth, Kittisak

Sharpe, Donald

Van der Elst, Michael

Wong, Camilla

Yildiz, Selda

If you would like to participate in the peer review process for the CGJ, we invite you to visit

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Canadian Geriatrics Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 2023