Rasiah, Jananee, Jeanette C. Prorok, Rheda Adekpedjou, Carol Barrie, Carlota Basualdo, Rachel Burns, Vincent De Paul, Catherine Donnelly, Amy Doyle, Christopher Frank, Sarah (Gibbens) Dolsen, Anik Giguère, Sonia Hsiung, Perry Kim, Emily G. McDonald, Heather O’Grady, Andrea Patey, John Puxty, Megan Racey, Joyce Resin, Joanie Sims-Gould, Susan Stewart, Olga Theou, Sarah Webster, and John Muscedere. “Enabling Healthy Aging to AVOID Frailty in Community Dwelling Older Canadians”. Canadian Geriatrics Journal 25, no. 2 (June 1, 2022): 202–211. Accessed April 19, 2024. https://cgjonline.ca/index.php/cgj/article/view/536.