Position Statement for Mental Health Care in Long-Term Care During COVID-19


  • Claire Checkland Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health
  • Sophiya Benjamin McMaster University
  • Marie-Andrée Bruneau University of Montreal
  • Antonia Cappella University of Alberta
  • Beverley Cassidy Dalhousie University
  • David Conn Baycrest Health Sciences and University of Toronto
  • Cindy Grief Baycrest Health Sciences and University of Toronto
  • Alvin Keng University of Toronto
  • Julia Kirkham University of Calgary
  • Popori Krishna Northern Ontario School of Medicine
  • Lisa McMurray University of Ottawa
  • Kiran Rabheru University of Ottawa
  • Marie-France Tourigny-Rivard University of Ottawa
  • Dallas P. Seitz University of Calgary




COVID-19, coronavirus, nursing home, long-term care, mental health, dementia


COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted older adults in long-term care (LTC) facilities in Canada. There are opportunities to learn from this crisis and to improve systems of care in order to ensure that older adults in LTC enjoy their right to the highest attainable standard of health. Measures are needed to ensure the mental health of older adults in LTC during COVID-19. The Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) and Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH) have developed the following position statements to address the mental health needs of older adults in LTC facilities, their family members, and LTC staff. We outlined eight key considerations related to mental health care in LTC during COVID-19 to optimize the mental health of this vulnerable population during the pandemic. 


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How to Cite

Checkland C, Benjamin S, Bruneau M-A, Cappella A, Cassidy B, Conn D, Grief C, Keng A, Kirkham J, Krishna P, McMurray L, Rabheru K, Tourigny-Rivard M-F, Seitz DP. Position Statement for Mental Health Care in Long-Term Care During COVID-19. Can Geriatr J [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 22];24(4):367-72. Available from: https://cgjonline.ca/index.php/cgj/article/view/514



Clinical Practice Guidelines/Consensus Statements