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Pan, Jeffrey, University of British Columbia
Papaioannou, Alexandra, St Peter’s Hospital
Papaioannou, Alexandra, McMaster University; St. Peter’s Hospital
Papaioannou, Alexandra, GERAS Centre for Aging Research, McMaster University
Papaioannou, Alexandra, McMaster University
Paradis, Audrey , Université Laval
Park, Grace H., Fraser Health Authority
Parmar, Jasneet, University of Alberta
Parmar, Jasneet, Division of Care of the Elderly Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta AND Network of Excellence in Seniors' Health and Wellness, Covenant Health
Parmar, Jasneet, University of Alberta; Grey Nuns Community Hospital
Parmar, Jasneet, University of Alberta, Covenant Health Network of Excellence in Seniors' Health and Wellness
Parson, Robert, University of Ottawa
Patey, Andrea, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Patil, Santosh, Reader, Jodhpur dental college general hospital
Patrick, David, The University of British Columbia; BC Centre for Disease Control
Patterson, Christopher, McMaster University
Patterson, Christopher, McGill Center for Studies in Aging
Patterson, Christopher, McMaster University; St. Peter’s Hospital
Patterson, CJ., McMaster University, Hamilton Health Sciences/McMaster University
Pawlaczyk, Mariola , Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Pelletier, Eric , McGill University, Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)
Penheiro, Romeo, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Pereira, Jose, McMaster University, Pallium Canada
Perlman, Christopher, University of Waterloo
Perrella, Andrew, McMaster University

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